Open Access BASE2020

TRIPLE Deliverable: D7.1 Report on Stakeholder and Opportunity Analysis


In the present report on Stakeholder- and Opportunity Analysis (D7.1), we provide the foundation for TRIPLE���s exploitation strategy and TRIPLE���s business model. By applying a broad mix of methods and tools we gained insights into relevant stakeholders, existing competition, the business environment, a first strategic orientation and derived recommendation for the future project work. From stakeholder analysis, we gained information about the stakeholder roles and needs as well as indications on their power and interest. Out of that data, we derived management strategies for specific stakeholder groups. The results are presented in an informative overview table and in a Power- Interest matrix. From our conducted environment analysis (PESTLE) we got rich information on each of the six categories. All detected factors were briefly described, classified as positive or negative and summarised in a table. The results were further processed in the finally conducted SWOT analysis. In order to get a broad overview of the competitive environment twenty-six scholarly communication platforms were evaluated through web-based research. The analysis covers an overview of offered features and functions, organisational insights, strengths & weaknesses as well as impressions on usability and user experience. Looking at the products and services provided by the competitors, we recognize that the planned feature-set for TRIPLE platform represents unique features that will distinguish TRIPLE from the competition. Attention needs to be paid on a number of agile platforms which constantly release innovative (e.g. AI-powered) features. To complement the vantage points gained from the web-based competitor analysis an interview study with general Open Science Experts and executives from existing Open Science platforms was conducted. The interview results show that despite the many platforms and services available, there are still unoccupied market niches and underrepresented user groups. Finally, the conducted SWOT analysis shows ...

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